Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

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Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there from Me and Madeline! It was such a special day today being the one celebrated! When it's your birthday people you run into don't wish you a happy birthday but today I was sent wishes where ever we went. Nice. Madeline turns one in a couple of weeks so I've been "officially" a mom for almost a year. I find my self talking like a mom (no-no), I am sure I look like a mom (more bad hair days than in my previous life), at times I have smelt like a mom (yucky), but today my heart felt like a mom. It expanded today. I mean, I felt like a mom the minute I saw Madeline for the first time but today i just felt my heart get bigger. Like your in love and you fall deeper in love. It's the only way I can describe it. It's incredible.

I hope everyone had a wonderful day! You all deserve it!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Martha Stewart watch out!

The other day I got a wild hair and bought 2 tall fake plants. One I put in the kitchen and the other I put outside by the front door. I was very pleased with my purchase as the were SALE items! It felt nice sprucing up the place but something was off...fake plant, outdoors? Is it possible, yes. However, not when your husband has a green thumb. Precisely the comments upon his arrive from work that evening. So... Here is a picture of the new, improved, LIVE version of my patio/outdoor sprucing up. All purchased and potted with these two little hands of mine (or ten long fingers some of you may say)! yahoo, yeah me! I have enjoyed them for the last several days and become quite attached. it is now a part of mine and Madeline's morning routine to open the blinds and say good morning. (she seems to be impressed too)
Look out, I'm getting crafty!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Daddy's Girl!

Hi there! I made it back! wahooo! Now I can say I am an offical blogger now that I have found my way back!
Our little one has sure been doing a lot of new things these days. She is making new noises/shrieks, taking more and more steps and has found a new love of her life! Her Daddy! It is such a blessing to have such a wonderful husband but it is even a greater blessing to have a husband that is such a great Daddy! Madeline may not know how to say Daddy yet but she definitely knows what it means. When the phone rings (special ring tone for Michael) I say "daddy is calling" and she gets very excited. Now when the door opens and i say "who's here? Is daddy home?" she looks around. The minute she sees him she reaches out her arms and makes these wonderful shrieks of delite! The latest was today after Michael called the house phone i handed it to her and said "say hi to daddy". I think she actually was trying to talk to him. Who knows what she was saying but it seemed to be more purposeful gibberish. Anyway, the point I am trying to make is she is in love with her Daddy. Her eyes light up, her smile goes on for miles and her she seems to get a tickle inside. Needless to say...all of these same things happen to her daddy the minute he sees her.

Thanks Bunny for being such a great husband and a great daddy!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Oops I did it again!

OK, I will share my secret...I lost my original blog. How do you lose a blog? I don't know but I did! Oops! Like I said in my original blog, bare with me. I may lose this one too. Ha! We'll here is my little tadpole. We have started hitting the pool since the temps have started heading north (or is it south since the south is hot?). We are starting a swim class t his week. It teaches "survival" techniques in case she were to ever fall into the pool. I think it is good stuff but it really has to be practised outside of our 1/2 hour class a week, over the next 6 weeks. It's exciting to be in the pool with her. She loves it! It's like a giant bath tub to her.

We'll i will make this short so that I can see of I can get back to my page again. Who knows, once I hit "POST" I may never see it again, UGH.....